Bolu Tanpa Minyak atau Mentega – OIl Free Cake

Resep ini mengadopsi dr resep “Bolu Bangka” nya Lam Djin Fa. THis recipe adopts from Lam Djin Fa’s “Bolu Bangka” recipe.

7 telur utuh. 7 pcs whole egg.
200 grm tepung terigu. 200 grm cake flour.
250-300grm gula pasir(selera). 250-300 grm sugar (as your desire)
100-150 ml susu kental manis. 100-150m condensed milk.
Vanili. Vanilla

Kocok telur sampe ngembang,masukan gula pasir kocok sampe gulanya mantap baru ksh susu dan tepung kocok bentar. Olesi loyang, panasin baru oven..suhu 150 derjel. Beat the eggs until it expands, input the sugar shake until the sugar is steady and just ksh milk and beat flour awhile. Smears baking pan, preheat oven with temperature is 150 derjel.


7 butir telur utuh. 7 pcs whole egg.
200 gr tepung rendah protein. 200 gr low protein flour. (Kunci biru)
20 gr susu bubuk. 20 gr milk powder.
½ sdt garam. ½ tsp salt.
175 gr gula merah. 175 gr brown sugar.
1 sdt ektrak vanila. 1 tsp vanilla extract.

1. Panaskan oven 180C. Oles loyang dgn minyak or mentega. Campur tepung, susu bubuk dan garam dan sisihkan. Preheat oven 180C. Smears the mold with oil/butter. Mix flour, milk powder and salt, and set aside.
2. Kocok telur dengan kecepatan mixer naik bertahap hingga kecepatan tinggi sampai telur mengembang. Beat the eggs with the mixer speed rising gradually to high speed and the eggs expanding.
3. Masukkan gula bertahap dgn mixer kecepatan tinggi. Enter the staged sugar with a high speed mixer.
4. Turunkan kecepatan mixer terendah, masukkan bertahap tepung. Cukup hingga tercampur rata. Matikan mixer. Lower the mixer speed to the lowest, add gradually flour. Beat enough until well blended. Turn off mixer
5. Tuang adonan ke dlm loyang dan oven selama 40 menit. Pour the batter into the pan and baking for 40 minutes.
6. Keluarkan dr cetakan saat cake suhu ruang dan iris sblm disajikan. Take out the cake from the mold when room temperature and slice before serving.

Texture cake ini padat. Texture of cake solid.

#BoluTanpaMinyakorMentega #OilFreeCake #NoOil #NoButter #MommyBakers #FreshFromMyOven #FloKitchen #FreshFood #HealthyFood #CookingWithLove #CookingForLove #LoveForLove #YummyCake #DeliciousCake #TastyCake #bakingWithFlorenceHo #FloHomeBakingIsTheBest #FloOriginalRecipes #BakingWithTheHeart #BakingWithLove #FoodPhotograph

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