Yakitori Momo (焼鳥モモ) – Japanese Grilled Chicken Thigh


500 gr daging paha ayam tanpa tulang. 500 gr boneless chicken thigh.
16 batang tusuk sate. 16 stalks skewers.

Bumbu perendam/marinade sauce:
1 sdt sake. 1 tsp sake.
2 sdt mirin. 2 tsp mirin.
¼ sdt garam himalaya. ¼ tsp himalayan salt.
½ sdt lada bubuk. ½ tsp pepper powder.

1 sdm kecap asin. 1 tbsp soy sauce. Kikkoman.
½ sdm mirin. ½ tbsp mirin.
½ sdm sake. ½ tbsp sake.
2 sdt gula merah. 2 tsp brown sugar.

1. Potong ayam sesuai selera. Cut chicken as your desire.
2. Campur ayam dan bumbu perendam, diamkan hingga 30 menit di lemari es.. Combine chicken with marinade sauce, refrigerate for 30 minutes.
3. Tusuk daging ayam dgn tusuk sate. Skewer chicken.
4. Campur bahan tare. Combine tare sauce.
5. Cara mematangkan/how to cook:
Menggunakan panggangan: panggang sate diatas api hingga matang, oles dgn tare dan panggang lagi sebentar. Using grilling: grill satay on fire until well cook, smear with tare sauce and grill a while.
Menggunakan Air fryer: letakkan satay pada bowl air fryer dan proses dgn suhu 160C selama 15 menit. Oles dengan tare dan proses lagi dgn suhu 200C selama 3 menit. Using Air Fryer: place satay on air fryer bowl and process with temperature 160 C for 15 minutes. Smear with tare sauce and process again with temperature 200C for 3 minutes.

#YakitoriMomo #JapaneseGrilledChickenThigh
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      1. sushilove51 says:

        always welcome! blessing to u!


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