Nasi Goreng Sosis & Ayam Asap – Sausage & Smoke Chicken Fried Rice


Nasi Goreng Sosis & Ayam Asap – Sausage & Smoke Chicken Fried Rice

3 porsi nasi putih. 3 portion white rice.
200 gr ayam asap, potong dadu kecil. 200 gr smoke chicken, cut on small dice.
2 buah sosis frankfruter, iris bulat. 2 pcs frankfruter sausage, cut on circle
3 buah sosis koktail, potong spt kaki gurita, rebus dan sisihkan. 3 pcs coctail sausage, cut look like octopus legs, boil and set aside
30 gr jagung manis. 30gr sweet corn.
1 btg daun bwg, iris tipis. 1 stalk green onion, slice
1/4 buah paprika merah. 1/4 pcs red bellpepper.
4 bwg putih, cincang. 4 cloves garlic, chop
2 bwg merah, cincang. 2 shallot, chop.
5 cabe rawit, iris. 5 pcs chilipadi, slice
2 telor bebek tawar, kocok. 2 unsalted duck egg, beaten.
1 sdm saus tiram. 1 tbs oyster sauce.
Garam dan lada secukupnya. Some Salt and pepper to taste.
3 sdm duck fat. 3 tbs duck fat

1. Panaskan minyak bebek. Heat duck fat.
2. Masukkan bwg merah dan putih, tumis hingga harum. Masukkan telur aduk, masukkan bahan lain dan bumbu aduk rata, cicipi. Add shallot and garlic, stew until fragrant, add duck egg, stir well, and add others ingredients.
3. Sajikan Nasi goreng dgn sesuai selera dan hias dgn gurita sosis. Serve fried rice to taste and garnish with sausage octopus.

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