Ikan Pari Bakar Jimbaran – Jimbaran Grilled Stingray


Hasil laut apa aja, kalo ikan lumuri jeruk nipis, garam dan lada(hari ini aku pakai ikan pari). Any seafood, if the fish is smeared with lime, salt and pepper. (Today I used Stingray)
2 lembar daun jeruk. 2 pcs lime leaves
4 sdm minyak untuk menumis. 4 tbsp oil for saute.

Bumbu bakaran/roasted sauce:
4 siung bawang putih. 4 cloves of garlic.
6 buah bawang merah. 6 pcs of shallot.
3 sdm cabe giling. 3 tbsp ground chili.
½ bawang bombay. ½ pcs of onion.
1 sdt terasi bakar. 1 tsp roasted belacan.
½ buah apel malang. ½ pcs malang’s apple.
1 sdm saus tiram. 1 tbsp oyster sauce.
1 buah tomat segar tanpa biji. 1 pcs seedless fresh tomato.
½ sdt lada bubuk. ½ tsp pepper powder.
½ sdm gula kelapa. ½ tbsp coconut sugar.
1 sdt garam. 1 tsp salt.

1. Masukkan semua bahan bumbu ke dalam food processor kecuali daun jeruk, proses hingga halus. Put all seasoning ingredients into a food processor except the lime leaves, process until smooth.
2. Panaskan minyak, dan tumis bumbu bersama daun jeruk hingga warna berubah merah matang. Sisihkan. Heat the oil, and saute the spices with the lime leaves until the color turns red. Set aside.
3. Panggang hasil laut di atas arang atau teflon yg sdh dioles minyak, oleskan bumbu pada bahan bakaran dan bakar hingga matang. Balur kembali dgn saus bakaran sebelum di santap. Grill the seafood on charcoal or Teflon that has been smeared with oil, spread the spices on the fuel and burn until cooked. Cover again with grilled sauce before eating.

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