Sup Sirip Hiu – Shark-fin Soup

SUP SIRIP HIU – SHARK-FIN SOUP Bahan/ingredients: 500 gr sirip hiu, suwir. 500 gr shark-fin, shredded. ½ ekor ayam kampung goreng dan suwir. ½ pcs of darmer chicken, frying and shredded. 10 buah jamur shiitake kering ukuran besar, rendam sm empuk dan iris tipis. 10 pcs of dried shiitake big size, soak until tender and…

Abalone & Mushroom With Oyster Sauce

ABALONE & MUSHROOM WITH OYSTER SAUCE Untuk 4 porsi. For 4 portion. Bahan/ingredients: 4 kaleng abalone, tiriskan dan kukus 20 menit. Sisihkan. 4 can abalone, drain and steam for 20 minutes. Set aside. 4 buah jamur shiitake kering, rendam hingga empuk, buang batangnya. 4 dried shiitake mushrooms, soak until tender, discard the stems. 400 ml…

Tumis Ikan Dori & Brokoli – Sauteed Dory Fish & Broccoli

<img src="; alt=”” width=”300″ height=”288″ class=”alignnone size-medium wp-image-9243″ /> TUMIS IKAN DORI & BROKOLI – SAUTEED DORY FISH & BROCCOLI Bahan/ingredients: 400 gr ikan dori, potong, bumbui lada, garam, jahe dan bawang putih bubuk.400 gr dory fish, cut, marinate with pepper, salt, ginger and garlic powder. ½ buah paprika hijau, potong. ½ pcs green bell…

Calamari With Spicy Yogurt Dipping Sauce

CALAMARI WITH SPICY YOGURT DIPPING SAUCE Bahan/ingredients: 1 ekor cumi besar, buang kulit, tinta dan tulang, cuci dan tiriskan. 1 pcs squid big size, peel the skin, take out the ink and the bone, rinse and strain. ½ sdt bawang putih bubuk. ½ tsp garlic powder. ¼ sdt garam. ¼ tsp salt. ⅛ sdt lada…

Gulai Kepala Salmon – Salmon Head In Coconut Soup

GULAI KEPALA SALMON – SALMON HEAD IN COCONUT SOUP Bahan/ingredients: 800 gr kepala salmon, bagi 4. 800 gr salmon head, cut into 4 parts. 2 buah Jeruk Nipis. 2 pcs lime. Garam secukupnya. Some salt. 1000 ml santan encer dari 1 buah kelapa. 1000 ml light coconut milk from 1 pcs coconut. 250 ml santan…

Sup Misua Kerang Batik – Soup Mee Sua Baby Clam

SUP MISUA KERANG BATIK – SOUP MEE SUA BABY CLAM Bahan/ingredients: Misua secukupnya. Some chinese vermicelli. 1 kg kerang batik hidup, cuci dan rendam agar kotoran keluar dari cangkang kerang, ganti air 3x. 1 kg of live batik shells, wash and soak the dirt out of the shells, replace the water 3 times. 2 cm…

Kerang Dara Saus Padang – Anadara Granosa Padang Sauce

KERANG DARA SAUS PADANG – ANADARA GRANOSA IN PADANG SAUCE Bahan/ingredients: 1 kg kerang dara.1 kg anadara granosa. 1 bh bawang bombay, potong.1 pcs onion, cut. 2 cm jahe geprek. 2 cm ginger, crush 3 sdm saus tomat. 3 tbsp tomato sauce. (Delmonte) 3 sdm saus sambal. 3 tbsp chili sauce. (Jawara) 1 sdm saus…

Baby Octopus Salad

BABY OCTOPUS SALAD Bahan/ingredients: 1000 gr bayi gurita, , buang kantong tinta gurita, cuci dan tiriskan. 1000 gr baby octopus, Remove the octopus ink bag, rinse and drain. 750 ml air + 1 sdt garam untuk merebus gurita. 750 ml water + 1 tsp salt for boiling octopus 750 ml air es. 750 ml ice…

Chuka Iidako – Seasoned Baby Octopus

CHUKA IIDAKO – SEASONED BABY OCTOPUS Bahan/ingredients: 1.000gr bayi gurita, cuci dan buang kantung tinta. 1.000 gr baby octopus, wash and discard ink bags. 12-15 tetes pewarna makanan merah. 12-15 drops food coloring red. Bumbu/seasoning: 150 ml saus teriyaki. 150 ml teriyaki sauce. kikkoman 2 sdm gula merah. 2 tbsp brown sugar. 1 sdm cuka…